Monthly Archives: July 2018


Filling Forms, No Longer Just A Clerical Task: Who Should Prepare MBP-1 for Directors?

While a task can be delegated, the responsibility or consequence arising from that task can never be, as the delegator pays the price for its non-performance or wrong-performance. This point needs reiteration especially in the case of MBP-1, where Directors give the details of the companies and firms in which they are interested-in for [...]

By | 2018-12-06T16:56:49+00:00 July 5th, 2018|Call for Change|0 Comments

The Need for Cash Flow Statements: Demystifying the Profit & Loss Account

(this article is the third and final part of a trilogy that traces the origin of the three elements of financial statements- the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and the cash flow statement) Financial Statements consisting of the three- Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statements, form the [...]

By | 2020-04-28T19:45:41+00:00 July 5th, 2018|First of First|0 Comments
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