
Surveys 2018-08-17T11:26:38+00:00

Survey was open from June 27 to July 12 2016; and is now closed. The Questions surveyed were:

  1. Do you add serial number to the Circular Resolution that are passed in addition to the date of Circular Resolution being proposed?
  2. While drafting resolutions for Sub-Committee/ Board /Shareholder meetings for the initial words, “Resolved that” and “Further resolved that” do you use the following:
  3. Where a Board Meeting is called at shorter notice, do you take consent letter from the Directors?
  4. How do you record the attendance of your Company Secretary in the minutes of Board Meetings?
  5. In the Board Meetings, how are the Sub-committee meetings recorded?
  6. While obtaining declaration from Independent Directors on their independence, does your draft require the Director to assert/certify that they are persons of “Integrity and in possession of relevant expertise”

Survey was open from Jan 31st to Feb 13th 2015; and is now closed. The Questions surveyed were:

  1. How do you recognize companies with good compliance?
  2. How far do you agree with these statements?
  3. Why do you think businesses comply with law?
  4. According to their ease of compliance, please rank the four laws: Companies Act 2013, Income Tax Act, Sales and Value Added Tax; and Central Excise and Customs Act
  5. In your opinion who has the highest influence on compliance in your company?
  6. Please rank the four in the order of their ability to improve compliance?
  7. Which in your opinion is the cause of poor compliance?
  8. Who is primarily responsible for company filing and maintaining statutory registers and board minutes?
  9. In your opinion, please name two things that need to be introduced in our country that can enhance compliance.
  10. In your opinion, name two companies that have the highest compliance?
  11. Currently what are the tools you are using for compliance?
  • CimplyFive conducted a short survey for a focus group of our CAIRR( users in July 2018.
  • The survey participants numbered 53.
  • The highlights of this survey are documented in this report.

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