Monthly Archives: October 2018


Diluting or Strengthening the Regulations? The Issue of Due Dates and Extensions

BACKGROUND We saw significant changes in the corporate regulatory environment in the past few months. To name two of them: June 6 saw the introduction of BEN-1, a form to be filed with the company by individuals holding beneficial interest of 25% or more, and individuals exercising significant influence or control. July 5th saw [...]

By | 2018-12-06T12:26:33+00:00 October 5th, 2018|Call for Change|0 Comments

The Four Stages of Evolution in Equity Share Valuation: 2.Book Value Method- The Concept, Trigger and Limitations

Large businesses and business intending to be large are organized as companies for they provide the triple advantage of ‘Existence at will’ for they survive till their shareholders decide to dissolve them Limited liability enabling many unrelated investors to collaborate, and Transferable shares, providing liquidity to their shareholders without impairing the liquidity of the [...]

By | 2020-04-29T11:05:38+00:00 October 5th, 2018|First of First|0 Comments
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