Monthly Archives: March 2016


Knowing the Company: What do Movies and Companies have in Common?

Movies and companies have a huge influence on our lives today. While movies impact the popular choice of attire, language and behaviour, in the case of companies their influence is equally strong but only subtle. Not just for impact, but even in their workings common threads can be found. Producers, financiers, directors, actors, editors [...]

By | 2017-04-13T05:43:11+00:00 March 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Knowing The Company: CIN’s Logic

  There is hardly anyone in the urban world who does not deal with a company today. While most of us use products and services produced and/or distributed by companies, a few are also employed by them. While this knowledge is optional for an urban citizen, to the corporate executives and professionals, it can [...]

By | 2017-04-14T11:28:52+00:00 March 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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